Ontological Surveillance Drone (video)

Surveillance is the "continuous observation of a place, person, group, or ongoing activity in order to gather information." A drone is a low monotonous audible tone, but also defined as "an uncrewed aircraft or vessel guided by remote control or onboard computers"…a seemingly anonymous voyeur or attacker…the ultimate movable Panopticon. The juxtaposing of these concepts has multiple implications both benign and malign, for example, self-awareness or spying. However, the ultimate aim of both surveillance and mechanical drones is control by individuals, governments or corporations. The Ontological Surveillance Drone photo series began accidentally in 2013 when I stopped drawing one day and took a series of still photographs of my Ontological Road Map ink drawing that was lying flat on my table. In 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdown I had no access to my studio. So, I worked on mechanical pencil drawings in my Plan series at home and took a video “fly-over” of the drawing. This became the initial video of the Ontological Surveillance Drone video series.